Housing Disrepair

Housing Disrepair

Croydon councillor apologises for “unacceptable” housing after ITV News piece

Source: Click Here Croydon council tenants have been ignored. This was the admission of beleaguered council leader Hamida Ali as she sought to apologise for the terrible situation some have been living in. But the Labour politician refused to step down as leader of the council, a position she has held since October 2020. Walls […]

Croydon councillor apologises for “unacceptable” housing after ITV News piece Read More »

‘The worst I’ve ever seen’: The appalling and ‘unliveable’ council housing conditions some have endured during lockdown

Source: Click Here Before you see the water falling from the ceilings and coming down the walls, you can hear it: the tortuous, continuous drip, drip, drip of dirty water into buckets. The damage is so bad, it has been described by both the chief executive of the UK’s biggest housing charity, Shelter, and the former

‘The worst I’ve ever seen’: The appalling and ‘unliveable’ council housing conditions some have endured during lockdown Read More »

‘I can’t answer that question’: Council leader can’t say if ‘unliveable’ housing conditions aren’t wider Croydon problem.

Source: Click Here The appalling state of two south London flats dubbed the “worst housing conditions ever seen” could be replicated in other tower blocks within the same borough. On Monday, ITV News revealed the dangerous squalor Croydon residents have been living in, despite repeated calls to the council for repairs. Since 2019, residents of the

‘I can’t answer that question’: Council leader can’t say if ‘unliveable’ housing conditions aren’t wider Croydon problem. Read More »