See if we can help
Have you contacted your Landlord about repairs that need to be carried out and still haven’t had your repairs completed?
Disrepair Advisory is trading style of Apollo which is a claims management company regulated by Financial conduct Authority and is paid a recommendation fee from its Solicitors .Whilst we do not charge you a fee, the solicitor we recommend will charge you a fee.
You do not need to use us to make a claim for compensation, you can either go direct to your own solicitor or make a claim yourself
Find out how we can help ensure your disrepair is fixed and recover any compensation due.
*Disrepair Advisory is a trading style of Apollo claims Ltd and is authorized and regulated by the FCA in respect of claims management activities.

What Counts As Housing Disrepair?
Have you contacted your Landlord about repairs that need to be carried out and still haven’t had your repairs completed?
As a tenant of any rented property from the local council or housing association, you have the right to live in a safe and well-maintained home. Your landlord has a legal responsibility to carry out repairs you have reported to them in a satisfactory and timely manner.
If you’ve complained about any of the repairs listed below and they’ve still not been completed, we could help by ensuring your landlord carries out the repairs!
Unfortunately we are unable to assist if your tenancy is currently with a private landlord and not a housing association or council.
- Water damage
- Damp or mould
- Damaged or leaking roof or guttering
- Broken or rotten windows and doors
- Broken appliances that were included in your tenancy
- Broken bathroom fittings
- Internal damage to wallpaper, paint, carpets and curtains (If included in the tenancy)
- Damage or faulty electrics
- Damage to internal gas and water pipe work
- Any other damage to your property
If you have reported any of these repairs to your landlord and they have not been completed in a timely manner, you can claim – ‘No Win -No fee*’.

How can we help?
We assess all housing disrepair claims free of charge. We determine how successful a claim could be without you spending a penny! If we believe you have a good case we will introduce you to one of our panel solicitors who will act for you on a no win no fee basis*
Our expert panel of housing repair solicitors are dedicated to clients, ensuring the best outcome is made available to you and support is given every step of the way!
Each client will be provided with their own housing disrepair special law firm who will carry out their case from beginning to completion.
They will will work on your behalf to ensure your landlord carries out any necessary repairs and recover any compensation due.
*Disrepair Advisory is a trading style of Apollo claims Ltd and is authorized and regulated by the FCA in respect of claims management activities.

Who can I claim against?
As a tenant of any house you have certain rights. One of those is that your landlord has an obligation to keep your home safe and in a reasonable state of repair. They also have a duty to make sure that any defects you report to them are repaired in a timely manner. If they do not do that you have a right to make a claim to receive compensation and ensure the repairs are carried out!
Latest reports evidence that 525,000 social homes are currently being rented at sub-standard living conditions. That is nearly 1 in 7 of all social home across England. 244,000 of these homes are deemed to have a category one safety hazard, the highest category of risk.*
*Data provided by the government-commissioned English Housing Survey which can be viewed here.
*Disrepair Advisory is a trading style of Apollo claims Ltd and is authorized and regulated by the FCA in respect of claims management activities.
As a tenant of any house you have certain rights. One of those is that your landlord has an obligation to keep your home safe and in a reasonable state of repair. They also have a duty to make sure that any defects you report to then are repaired in a timely manner. If they do not do that you have a right to make a claim to ensure your landlord makes the necessary repairs and potentially receive compensation!
If you have any problems with your local council house or a housing association property such as any damage internally or externally, then it is very likely you have a claim. Contact us and let us see if we can help you.
You will need to get in touch with us first; we can call you back to avoid you incurring charges. You will then speak to one of our specialist advisors who will do a quick assessment of your case. After this, if appropriate, we will arrange for someone to visit your home and take pictures of any damage. After we have documentary evidence we will introduce you to one of our specialist solicitors to work on your case on a ‘No Win -No Fee*’ basis. You can then relax, whilst your solicitor does the rest!
We have great knowledge of how to present your case so you have the greatest chance of success. We have a panel of legal experts and surveyors who will look after your case, on a ‘No Win No Fee*’ basis. Together we control the whole process for you, giving you peace of mind that your voice is being heard and taken seriously!
You do not need to use our services to make a claim against your landlord. You can do this yourself directly with the landlord and even if they reject your claim you can still take this to the Housing Ombudsman Service
. If you aren’t sure how to make the claim, you can get free, impartial advice from consumer organisations.
We do not charge for assessing your case. Our Solicitors operate a strict ‘No Win No fee’ policy. If your case loses, it won’t cost you a penny. You only pay when your case is successful and the cost would be simply deducted from any compensation you receive. This amount will never exceed 50% of your total compensation. However, the main things is that we will ensure all repairs are carried out by your landlord and we do not deduct anything from the cost of repairs. If you cancel your claim without agreement with your Solicitor, they may charge you for the work they have completed on your file.
Where one of our panel solicitors agree to act on your behalf they will pay us a fee for the introduction. Please note this fee will NOT be deducted from any compensation you receive. To find out more about the fees payable please click here
What Counts As Housing Disrepair?
If you have reported any of these repairs to your landlord and they have not been completed in a timely manner, you can claim – ‘No Win -No fee*’.
*Disrepair Advisory is a trading style of Your Law 4. u Ltd and is authorized and regulated by the FCA in respect of claims management activities with the License no – 833158.
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